Yanchao Liu | 刘彦超


Ph.D. candidate
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) 
No.95 Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China

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I am a Ph.D. graduated from the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition(NLPR), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CASIA) supervised by Prof. Xiaopeng Zhang and Jianwei Guo.

I received my bachelor’s degree from Sun Yat-Sen University(SYSU) in 2016. My research area includes deep learning and computer graphics, my research interest focus on 3D computer vision, geometric modeling and geometry learning.



TreePartNet:Neural Decomposition of Point Clouds for 3D Tree Reconstruction
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ASIA 2021)
Yanchao Liu, Jianwei Guo, Bedrich Benes, Oliver Deussen, Xiaopeng Zhang, Hui Huang.
[Project Page]  [PDF]  [Code & Data]  [Video] 

Line-based 3D Building Abstraction and Polygonal Surface Reconstruction from Images
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
Jianwei Guo*, Yanchao Liu*, Xin Song, Haoyu Liu, Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhanglin Cheng.
*Joint first authors with equal contribution(*共同一作)
[Page]  [Code] 

PuzzleNet: Boundary-Aware Feature Matching for Non-overlapping 3D Point Clouds Assembly
Computational Visual Media (CVM) 2023 recommended to Journal of Computer Science & Technology (JCST)
Haoyu Liu, Jianwei Guo, Haiyong Jiang, Yanchao Liu, Xiaopeng Zhang, Dong-Ming Yan.
[Page]  [Code & Data] 

Internship Experiences

Public Review


【论文一起读】TreePartNet: 用于三维树木重建的点云智能解构TreePartNet: 用于三维树木重建的点云智能解构

